Working at Renault Trucks in France Opportunities | Apply Now

Working at Renault Trucks in France Opportunities | Apply Now

Renault Trucks, a prominent player in the automotive industry, has a significant presence in France. With a rich history and a commitment to innovation, the company offers various job opportunities for passionate individuals.

Renault Trucks in France

Renault Trucks is a well-established French company specializing in the manufacturing of commercial vehicles. Headquartered in Lyon, France, it has a strong reputation for producing high-quality trucks that cater to a wide range of industries, from logistics to construction. The company is part of the Volvo Group, a global leader in sustainable transport solutions.

Advantages of Working at Renault Trucks in France

Innovation and Technology

 Renault Trucks is at the forefront of technological advancements in the automotive industry. Working here means being a part of a team that constantly pushes the boundaries of innovation in commercial vehicle design and sustainability.

Global Presence

 With a global presence, Renault Trucks offers employees opportunities to collaborate with colleagues and customers from diverse backgrounds and cultures. This global exposure can enrich your professional experience.


Renault Trucks is committed to sustainability and environmentally friendly solutions. Joining the company means contributing to a more sustainable future by working on cutting-edge technologies such as electric and hybrid vehicles.

Work-Life Balance

Renault Trucks values the well-being of its employees. The company promotes a healthy work-life balance, which is essential for maintaining productivity and job satisfaction.

Job Opportunities at Renault Trucks France

Renault Trucks is currently recruiting for various positions in France 

Job Opportunities at Renault Trucks France

Renault Trucks France is currently offering a diverse range of exciting job opportunities. Whether you're an experienced professional or a recent graduate, there are positions that may align with your skills and career aspirations. Below, we provide a brief overview of the available job positions:

Ingénieur logiciel associé (Associate Software Engineer)

Join the team responsible for software development, contributing to the advancement of technology in the automotive industry.

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Architecte Intégration – Groupe Digital & IT (Integration Architect – Digital & IT Group)

Take on a key role in integrating digital technologies within the company's IT infrastructure.

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Consultant fonctionnel SAP senior pour une solution globale (Senior SAP Functional Consultant for a Global Solution)

 Play a crucial role in implementing comprehensive SAP solutions for the organization.

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Gestionnaire de visites clients multi-sites F/H – CDD (Multi-Site Customer Visits Manager – Fixed-Term Contract)

Manage and enhance customer relationships by coordinating visits across multiple sites.

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Leader productivité client H/F (Customer Productivity Leader)

 Lead initiatives aimed at improving customer productivity and satisfaction.

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Responsable des tests technologiques (Technology Testing Manager)

Oversee technological testing processes to ensure product quality.

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Chef d’Equipe Atelier mécanique – CDI – H/F basé à Massy (91) (Mechanical Workshop Team Leader – Permanent Position – Located in Massy, France)

Lead a mechanical workshop team and contribute to vehicle maintenance.

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Alternance BAC+4/5 Chargé(e) de formation (H/F) (BAC+4/5 Training Coordinator Intern)

 Assist in training coordination for the company's employees.

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Alternance Bac +2/+3 – Assistant(e) Services Généraux (H/F) (BAC+2/+3 General Services Assistant Intern)

Support the general services department in various administrative tasks.

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ASSISTANTE APRES-VENTE H/F – CDI Basé à Massy (91) (After-Sales Assistant – Permanent Position – Located in Massy, France)

Play a vital role in after-sales support for customers.

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Technicien(ne) Qualité Fournisseur (H/F) (Supplier Quality Technician)

Ensure the quality of components sourced from suppliers.

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Manager Assurance Livraison Fournisseur (H/F) (Supplier Delivery Assurance Manager)

Manage supplier delivery assurance processes.

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Acheteur Commodity Systèmes de Batteries Lithium-Ion – LiB (Electromobilité) (Commodity Buyer for Lithium-Ion Battery Systems – Electromobility)

Be involved in sourcing components for electric vehicle batteries.

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Architecte Ingénieur.e développement composants E&E (Development Engineer – Electrical & Electronic Components Architect)

Contribute to the development of electrical and electronic vehicle components.

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Stage Ingénieur Qualité / Amélioration Process Indus – (H/F) (Quality Engineer / Industrial Process Improvement Intern)

Gain valuable experience in quality engineering and industrial process improvement.

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Stage (H/F) BAC+5 -Analyse de Données, Gestion de projet et Conception (BAC+5 Data Analysis, Project Management, and Design Intern)

Participate in data analysis, project management, and design activities.

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STAGE Bac +5 – Gestionnaire de flotte (H/F) (BAC+5 Fleet Manager Intern)

Gain practical experience in fleet management.

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Stage Architecture Véhicule – (H/F) (Vehicle Architecture Intern) 

Contribute to vehicle architecture projects during your internship.

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STAGE Bac +5 – Pilote de flux (H/F) (BAC+5 Flow Manager Intern)

Learn about flow management processes during your internship.

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Alternance BAC+4/5 Data Analytics et BI Dashboard H/F (BAC+4/5 Data Analytics and BI Dashboard Intern)

Gain insights into data analytics and business intelligence.

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Data Analyst en Logistique Industrielle (H/F) (Data Analyst in Industrial Logistics)

Analyze data to optimize industrial logistics operations.

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Acheteur Commodity & Projet – Actuation (Commodity & Project Buyer – Actuation)

Manage commodity purchasing and project-related tasks in the Actuation department.

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Acheteur Senior Composants Moteurs et Pièces Mobiles (Senior Buyer for Engine Components and Mobile Parts)

Take on a senior role in sourcing engine components and mobile parts.

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Ingénieur logiciel .Net (.Net Software Engineer)

Work on software development projects using .Net technologies.

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Chef de Projet & Support des Systèmes d’Informations (F/H) (Project Manager & IT Systems Support)

Lead IT projects and provide support for information systems.

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Gestionnaire Ressources Humaines H/F (Human Resources Manager)

Oversee HR functions within the organization.

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Responsable du programme GTP et de la capacité d’approvisionnement en électronique (Program Manager for GTP and Electronic Supply Capacity)

Manage the GTP program and electronic supply capacity.

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Acheteur Hors Production Energies / Produits Chimiques F/H (Non-Production Buyer for Energy and Chemical Products)

Handle procurement for energy and chemical products.

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UX Lead, Portails et services numériques (UX Lead for Portals and Digital Services)

Lead user experience design for digital portals and services.

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électricien électronicien véhicule industriel (Industrial Vehicle Electrician and Electronics Technician)

Contribute to vehicle electronics and electrical systems.

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Renault Trucks in France offers a dynamic and rewarding work environment for individuals passionate about the automotive industry. The company's commitment to innovation, sustainability, and employee growth makes it an attractive choice for those seeking exciting career opportunities. If you are looking to be part of a team that shapes the future of commercial vehicles, Renault Trucks may be the place for you.


How can I apply for a job at Renault Trucks in France?

To apply for a job at Renault Trucks in France, visit the company's official website and navigate to the "Careers" or "Jobs" section. 

What are the key benefits of working at Renault Trucks?

Working at Renault Trucks offers benefits such as career growth opportunities, exposure to cutting-edge technology, a global work environment, a focus on sustainability, and a healthy work-life balance.

Can international candidates apply for jobs at Renault Trucks in France?

Yes, Renault Trucks welcomes applications from candidates with various backgrounds and nationalities. Be sure to check the specific job requirements and eligibility criteria for each position.

Does Renault Trucks offer training and development programs for employees?

Yes, Renault Trucks places a strong emphasis on employee development and offers training programs to enhance skills and promote career growth.


    very interested plesase contact me in my email

  2. Salutations, je m'appelle Jamal Ben Aliya, j'ai un certificat technique professionnel dans la spécialité menuiserie aluminium et BFS, et je souhaite m'épanouir et j'espère être accepté. le téléphone : 22692865

  3. سلام عليكم انا اسمي حمزة ابن تاوريرت انا حاصل على شهادة احترافية في كهرباء البناء ودبلوم الحلاقة
    واريد ان اكون مقبولا 0687180661

  4. Slm ana abderrahim mina maghrib abhatou 3an 3amal fimajali filahati awi fimajali binae awi majali seyaka chef ours 3andi birmi sinaf B . C. D telefoun 0772615368ok

  5. Madame Monsieur,

    Etant actuellement à la recherche d'un emploi, je me permets de vous proposer ma candidature au poste chauffeur de petits et gros camions pour société .
    En effet, mon profil correspond à la description recherchée sur l'offre d'emploi chaufeur de petits et gros camions . Quelle est la formation en Electricité de maintenance industrielle et un permis de conduire 《B》《C》《D》《EB》《EC》《ED》
    m'a permis d'acquérir de nombreuses compétences parmi les cellules que vous recherchez. Je possède tous les atouts qui me permettront de réussir dans le rôle que vous voudrez bien me confier. Motivation, rigueur et écoute sont les maîtres mots de mon portement professionnel.

    Mon expérience en tant que chauffeur de petits et gros camions dans la société 《NOUR》et《UNIVERLAIT
    DANON CENTRAL 》m'a permis d'acquérir toutes les connaissances nécessaires à la bonne exécution des tâches du poste à pourvoir. Régulièrement parlé aux aléas du métier, je suis capable de répondre aux imprévus en toute autonomie.

    Intégrer votre entreprise représente pour moi un réel enjeu d'avenir dans lequel mon travail et mon honnêteté pourraient s'exprimer.

    Restant à votre disposition pour toute information complémentaire, je suis disponible pour vous rencontrer lors d'un entretien à votre convenance

    Veuillez convenir, Madame, Monsieur, l'expression de mes
    sincères salutations

    Ahmed houfni


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  26. Je m'appelle Faycel ben salah,je suis un chauffeur professionnel de bus et de camion poids lourds j'ai une expérience de 18 ans , je recherche un contrat de travail à la France et Merci

  27. Je m'appelle Faycel ben salah je suis un chauffeur professionnel des bus et des poids lourds avec une expérience de 18 ans,je suis Tunisien et je recherche sérieusement un contrat de travail à la France mon adresse email et mon numéro +21625493721

    1. أنا رؤوف من تونس عمري 46 سنة متزوج أبحث عن فرصة عمل كساءق صنف ب في مؤسسة شريكة مزرعة أو عامل فلاحي و إلا عامل نطافة مع العلم ااخبرة متوفرة الهاتف 21656221201الهاتف

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  33. Bilal
    Telephone 0774379813

  34. Naima, 0656994076

  35. Mohamed Bellaziz smartdeam342 @gmail. Com 0600161019


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  41. My name is Hamza Bakir, 25 years old, from Morocco. I am looking for work in any industry, agriculture, livestock raising, or otherwise. Please contact me on the following number 0691595475 or by email Thank you.


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  45. My name is Salah El Houmri from Morocco. I am 24 years old and have a Class B driving license
    Phone number: +212650342517

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  47. Salut je m'appelle khalid benhaimer j'ai 24ans il à 2 diplôme la première sur Technicien et la douzième sur Technicien spécialisé en diagnostic et électronique embarquée
    Téléphone : 0652059163
    E-mail :

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